The Footwork & Frolick Society is a 501(c)(3) public charity located in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our mission is to promote historical education through the research, recreation, performance, and instruction of eighteenth and nineteenth century dance and other active pursuits rooted in the social traditions of the American Northeast. 

We believe that everyone benefits from learning about the past in a hands-on format, and we are proud to contribute to the rich historical landscape in the area by running historical social events and sharing our research! Everyone should be welcome in modern historical spaces regardless of race, religion, gender identity or presentation. Our work is intended to make learning about dancing and movement in the past engaging and fun - not to mythologize the “old days”. F&F classes and events are open to all, and we do not tolerate bigotry in our spaces.

F&F is an entirely volunteer-run enterprise. When you step into the past through a game, a sport, or a dance, history and literature really come alive. It’s a magical moment, and we love creating those moments for everyone!

We find that trying out historical activities with some context (e.g. wearing the clothes, eating the food) helps us better understand social life from centuries ago. But we want our spaces to be accessible, so costumes are never required.

Our non-profit status means that any money we make from ticket sales or donations goes straight back into funding future programming.

Our largest and most frequent expense is building rentals; other costs include food served at events, wages for any musicians, decorations, and cleaning supplies. We also leverage donations and ticket sales to fund scholarships. If you’d like to make a one-time, tax deductible donation you can do so through PayPal. In the future, we are planning to offer other ways to support the organization, such as a monthly membership (which gives access to exclusive content). Learn more about future opportunities to support us and attend events by signing up for our newsletter!